Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WEST MACS HIKE / The Pound Walk


To tell you the truth, by Day 3 I was very tempted to forget about this Pound Walk and take it easy. I'd had a terrible nights sleep with being hyper sensitive to any movement and a little bit paranoid about dingoes trying to break into our tent to steal our food. I had heard stories the day before of dingoes getting into people's tents for that very reason. One poor girl had put down her food bag (with 4 days worth of food for her hike) and a dingo had dragged it away before she could do anything about it. So in the middle of the night I heard steps and sniffing (ok maybe I imagined that bit) around our Very Small tent. The vents were open so all that was between my face and a dingo was a nice, flimsy piece of netted fabric. A minute later I hear some eerie howling in the bushes near us. Then a dingo is running in the direction of our camp area. I start whispering an urgent commentary to Gav, who couldn't give a rip, while the dingo stops and changes direction. Part of me really wants to get a good look at the howler, part of me just wants them to leave us alone. After my whispering the howling becomes more faint. I end up falling asleep until the next wake up from two dingoes pounding past our tent. My heart is racing but that's the end of the dingo action and I fall asleep until morning. 

So back to the hike. For some reason I had it in my head that the hike was 12 kms. My compromise when we got up and ready was that if it seemed too far for the time frame we were working with, we could just do the Ghost Gum walk and the waterhole. At the information signs I exclaim to Gav, Ah, it's only 7kms, let's go! We start at the Ghost Gum lookout end so we can catch the first rays of sun before heading down into the gorge (most people do the walk the other way around). Without babbling on, it was well worth it. The walk is so beautiful. First the gorge and then walking out into the sun drenched, grassy pound. I loved it so much. 

/ One of the beautiful Ghost gums
/ Square shaped rock formations in the gorge
/ The sun hitting the top of the gorge
/ Coloured rocks! 
/ Little Gav
/ Butterfly
/// The rest are of the Pound

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