Monday, September 2, 2013

Our Alice Springs detour

Here is where you'll find the reason why we decided to detour via Alice Springs on our way to Broome. Apart from being able to say that we zig-zagged across the country, there are some clever and lovely people that we wanted to spend time with. For those without the background, Gav was sleeping on Ben and Sarah's couch when we started 'going out' (snigger snigger). For our whole life together as a couple, these two have been around. That is, until last year, when they packed up, put me out of a job* and left the state for some grand adventures in the centre. Although we've missed having these guys as a part of our everyday life and extended family, we knew that we wouldn't be too far behind in the packing up and leaving department, so we can appreciate they journey they've been on. Plus, we ended up living in their Brisbane home for the remainder of our time in Brisbane, that was pretty handy.

So, good times in Alice Springs involved witnessing the transformation from city folk (let's ride our bikes along the Brisbane river, eat mexican, go to GOMA) to desert folk (let's pack a camp dinner and go to a dry river bed and make a bonfire, climb rocks and watch the sun go down). I love this transformation. It's so wonderful to be out of the city with friends, to see their kids really get into the surrounds too: walking to gorges, climbing the red rocks and pretending to be rock wallabies.

Here's some (slightly dodgy) photos of what we got up to:

Collecting sticks for the camp fire:

"Let's go rock climbing!" - Mabel. And she really meant it:


Sunset and Ben's careful attendance to the fire:


A visit to local establishment, Monte's. Very kid (and kindy ted) friendly:

Bike rides along the Todd river (yes, it's dry):

A photo of a photo of a photo...
Our day at Alice Springs Desert Park with the Mabel and Norah:

A visit to Simpson's Gap and proof of Mabel's fantastic sense of humour:

The girls found a rock couch: 

Thanks for the good times friends! 

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